Principal's Message

Welcome to Raffles Girls' School.
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Raffles Girls’ School (RGS), a premier girls’ school in Singapore.
RGS has a rich history and tradition spanning more than 140 years in Singapore. She is 145 years this year! Over these decades, our girls have made significant contributions in the community and are outstanding leaders and experts in diverse fields and industries, ranging from education, finance, arts, law and medicine, just to name a few. This tradition continues today as we nurture our girls to embrace and thrive in this increasingly complex and uncertain global landscape. This cannot be done without some strong fundamentals that are evergreen. Our Curriculum, our People and our Environment.
Our Curriculum
The Raffles Programme is a seamless 6-year curriculum for
high ability learners. Key features of this curriculum equip our
girls with the skills needed to bridge the various disciplines and enable
them to hold multiple perspectives through subjects such as Inquiry & Advocacy, Character & Leadership Education as
well as Research Studies. Our Raffles Academy (RA)
offers research or coursework modules to extend and deepen learning in
topics and areas of interest to our girls.
Our People
Our girls will find the environment stimulating as they learn alongside
peers who are equally motivated and talented. Indeed, this diversity we
offer is only possible because our girls are admitted from over 110 primary
schools. Our staff are committed to nurturing this unique profile of learners
through continual learning under our very own Centre for Pedagogical Research & Learning.
Together with a team of skilful counsellors, our girls can be assured of
a strong support network of Key Personnel, Form Teachers and Counsellors
to support their social-emotional and learning needs.
Our Environment
Our Braddell campus, with its lush greenery and large open spaces, has
been designed specifically to promote collaborations and learning, and
at the same time, raise environmental awareness of the interplay between
nature and human actions. Our girls will get to enjoy the beautiful
learning spaces and well-equipped facilities as well as the opportunities
to connect with and to do good for the larger community. We strongly
believe in our mission that our girls must learn to give back to the community
and appreciate that their talents and abilities can be channelled purposefully
and meaningful to uplift others, especially those in need.
Our school motto, Filiae Melioris Aevi, “Daughters of a Better Age”, is lived out by generations of girls who have done very well in life, making significant contributions to society and to the school. Indeed, in joining this school, you will be part of this legacy and this community of alumnae who are your sisters in learning, and sisters at heart.
I am grateful to the many people who have contributed and are continuing to make this school a vibrant, stimulating and most importantly, a caring one, for students and staff. Our Board of Governors, our Parents and Parents for RGS Association (PRGS), our alumnae and RGS Alumnae Association (RGSA), MOE, partners in education and community, former staff members and friends, have all contributed significantly to make this an inspiring educational campus for all. May I invite you to join us and walk this exciting and memorable journey with us all?
Filiae Melioris Aevi
Mrs Ong Hong Peng