The Parents for RGS Association (PRGS) was established in 2003. We work closely with the school to provide a support network for parents/guardians of RGS students, and organise activities to allow our members to develop and maintain links with the school. We also collaborate with the school in running programmes to facilitate our members’ and their daughters’/wards’ journeys through RGS.
2023 PRGS Activities Highlight Video
Sports Fest
2023 Sports Fest was held at the end of term 2. PRGS provided snacks and refreshments to sustain the girls through the day’s activities, helped man some of the games stations, and also participated in the Staff Race, where we successfully defended our title for the 5th consecutive year!
Racial Harmony Day
Racial Harmony Day on 18 July brought lots of fun not just to the students, but for the 54 parent volunteers who helped pack 1,700 individual traditional snacks for the girls. It was an immersive experience where the girls had the chance to learn about traditional games and win $100 worth of prizes sponsored by PRGS, taste popular hawker fare, and try their hand at cooking traditional food items at the huat kueh, burfi and ondeh-ondeh workshops. The girls also enjoyed learning about Peranakan culture and ended their day with delicious potong ice-creams!

Founder's Day
This year’s Founder’s Day saw PRGS presenting the PRGS Award to two deserving girls who demonstrated good character and values – Megan Koh (412) and Rachael Yeo (408). PRGS was delighted to recognise these outstanding students who have demonstrated good character and values. In addition, PRGS also gifted RGS with a pair of balloon sculptures showcasing two students presenting flowers to the school. The balloons were a hit with everyone!

Staff Appreciation Day
PRGS organised a Staff Appreciation Day lunch for all RGS members of staff
on 30 Aug 2023. With a theme of “When TV Comes Alive”, the school’s Multi-Purpose
Hall was transformed with beautiful décor comprising handmade TV boxes,
balloons and other decorative items to thank both the academic and non-academic
staff of RGS for their hard work in the school community. The RGS staff
certainly rose to the occasion with many decked in outfits from the Hospital
Playlist, Despicable Me, Powerpuff Girls, Super Mario Bros, Spiderman,
MasterChef and other TV shows. The PRGS Exco made a grand entrance dressed
up in Squid Game outfits and showcased an opening performance to the delight
of everyone. Every staff member was also gifted a personalised cushion
to signify the unwavering support of “parents having their back”.
Whether the staff are on the office chair in school or watching TV at home
on a couch, just as the cushion cradles their back, it embodies parents’
pledge to standby them, complementing their relentless efforts in nurturing
our daughters. The staff were also treated to a wide variety of Thai, Italian,
Chinese, and Indian cuisine, topped with a scrumptious chocolate and fruits
fondue !
Staff Appreciation Day summary video

Social Walk to Passion Wave & Marina Bay
Recognising quality time as one of the five love languages, PRGS organised our first Family Walk to Passion Wave @ Marina Bay for families to get together for half a day of fun and bonding. The event not only bonded families but also forged new friendships between PRGS members.

Dance Date with your Daughter
As a post-exam activity, PRGS organised a "Dance Date with your Daughter" session on 14 October 2023 at the school's Black Box. Mothers, Fathers and their daughters, were led by dance instructors from Happi Dance in an hour of joyful dancing and bonding!
Watch the video of the Dance Date here!

GLOW Programme
In partnership with PRGS, the school conducted the inaugural Y1 Glow Programme which aims to guide students to be more self-aware as they build their self-confidence in teen hood. The content of the programme was curated by RGS teachers and a two-hour session was facilitated by PRGS mothers for twelve Y1 classes. The students were taught the concept of positive body image and the importance of personal grooming with practical tips to present themselves with confidence.

Farewell Alma Mater
PRGS was also very happy to be able to participate in the send-off for our Year 4 girls at the Farewell Alma Mater event on 27 October 2023, where we gave each girl an RGS hot tumbler personalised with their names and year of graduation. A practical and meaningful gift to commemorate the girls’ formative years at RGS!

Breakfast Dialogues and Parenting Talks
Apart from these one-off events, PRGS also organised a series of parenting talks throughout 2023, as well as “Breakfast Dialogue with Principals” sessions for each of the year groups. The parenting talks were chosen to address relevant issues, including “Stepping into the era of VR/AR and AI” and, for our Year 4 parents, transitioning to Year 5 in Raffles Institution.
The Breakfast Dialogues with Principals were held across the year, with parents from each year group being able to direct any concerns they had in a small-group setting to Principal Ms Haslinda, the Deputy Principals, and other school leaders. This has traditionally been a very valuable source of feedback both for the school and for parents, and this year’s sessions proved to be no different, with it being very clear from these

Farewell to Principal, Ms Haslinda
As announced by MOE, Ms Haslinda will be stepping down as Principal of
RGS on 15 Dec 2023. At the annual PRGS Exco Social Gathering, we bade Ms
Haslinda farewell with a specially curated photo collage as a token of
appreciation. PRGS Exco also initiated an e- scrapbook for
parents to express their well wishes to Ms Haslinda.