School Themes
2025 Theme: Different Stories, One Heartbeat

The story of each RGS girl begins when she dons her blue RGS pinafore and enters the gates of the school for the very first time. Like the chapters in a riveting book, each story builds and captivates as it chronicles the unique experiences of each girl that will make her RGS journey particularly memorable - stories of teachers who are inspiring, friends who are supportive, the running track where she had her first fall but also of how she learned to pick herself up again, the science lab where she braved her first experiment, the classroom where birthdays were celebrated... - and will set the RGS girl on a course to take ownership of her time and journey in RGS.
While the RGS girl may come from diverse backgrounds, the sisterhood in RGS is strong.
Each girl is embraced as a true Rafflesian and nurtured to her fullest potential as she discovers and understands her strengths, interest and talents. Even as each distinct story is being written, a constant theme runs through all of them, which speaks of the importance of having a strong sense of identity, staying true to who we are, members of the RGS family.
We reaffirm the RGS tradition of excellence and unique pioneering spirit that encourages us to seek new frontiers, yet be grounded in the school's values and mission to contribute to community and nation. We share a common vision that as an RGS community, we strive to grow collectively and individually.
Even as we write our own stories, we are one RGS.
Theme: Deep Roots, Strong Wings
Roots are fundamental in every plant’s growth – they provide the foundation that keeps the plant standing strong. And just like roots, our principles and values are what keep us grounded. They are what guide us in our actions, and only by living according to our values and beliefs can we make the best decisions, and do what is right for ourselves and for others. It is an especially important aspect of our character when facing crossroads in life, because doing what is right is to demonstrate moral courage through our behaviour, and hold true to our values in handling daily situations.
It is only when we are grounded, when we are aligned with our principles and values, that we can work towards reaching our full potential and doing our best – allowing our “wings” to spread fully, soaring the skies independently and confidently.
This theme was chosen to encourage the new batch of Year Ones to start the first chapter of their RGS experience right, with a firm foundation rooted in values. Mastering first themselves will help them in mastering whatever they later pursue in RGS, as well as in life. Our hope is for each and every Year One to constantly use their principles as their guiding light, before they take flight and soar to their fullest potential.
Roots & Wings
By Georgia Douglas Johnson
If I could give you many things,
I'd give you gold and silver rings
Of knowledge that I've gained with years
The gift of smiling through the tears
Confidence, courage, determination,
Laughter and spirit and love of creation,
Wrapped up in a box with a bow, I'd give
To you these gifts to keep for as long as you live.
"If I could give you just two things,
One would be Roots, the other, Wings."
Roots, not to tie you to the ground,
But to guide you to where your fulfillment is found
The nourishing start, the firm foundation,
The source of your inner determination.
Wings to soar over obstacles, wings to fly free,
Wings to glide to the heights of the best you can be.
And when obstacles loom, from your
Roots grows a hand
Providing a strong, sturdy, safe place to land.
I'd choose these two things for the gifts that are best,
For with Roots and with Wings, you'll find all the rest!
Theme: Let Our Light Shine!
The “Light” is a positive symbol of intelligence, direction and warmth. A source of energy that can shine bright even in the darkest of night.
“Let Our Light Shine!” focuses on the immense potential that is found in all RGS girls.
In embracing the “Light”, we forge to deliver an RGS experience that will ignite the spark in all RGS girls, that will allow them to strive towards achieving their best and to develop themselves to the fullest of their potential, accepting their strengths and vulnerabilities while overcoming any personal fears or reservations. In embracing their talents beyond mere academic pursuits and in approaching opportunities with open and inquiring minds, RGS girls inspire those around them to grow and shine.
Together with her sisters in learning, RGS girls build upon the efforts and achievements of one another so that, individually and collectively, the “Light” continues to intensify and grow, beacons of light that stand tall and shine bright wherever they may be, encouraging others to also shine bright, to fulfill the promise of their potential and to discover their own unique ways of making a difference in society, serving community and nation. “Let Our Light Shine!”
Our Deepest Fear (adapted)
By Marianne Williamson
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Theme: One Heart, One Voice
‘One Heart, One Voice’ emphasises the importance and contribution that every member of the RGS community plays in fulfilling our mission. It reinforces the values of being united, of relationship building and synergy, and of collectively working towards a shared vision. It underscores the need for collaboration in providing a learning environment that is open, dynamic and relevant to the world, infusing academic rigour in a supportive learning culture as we push the boundaries of education in inspiring and nurturing every RGS girl to be active creators of a better age for all. It is our wish that she discovers her sense of belonging, interacting with her peers and developing the capacity to move others towards shared goals for the good of the nation and community.